Thames water own and maintain two 800mm rising mains which were originally installed, made from a GRP material. Over the years these mains have deteriorated and moved.
Thames Water sought expertise from CTS, Barhale and McAllister's to investigate, expose, survey and line the mains.
CTS used laser scanning Techniques to survey the rising mains, to assess condition and ovality. CTS evaluated this request and using our combined skills, designed and built a trolley in our workshop to house a 3D laser scanner. On site we deployed the trolley into the main and pulled it through, stopping at intervals to take static scans until we reached the other end.
Overall, we surveyed 700 meters from shaft to shaft.
Back at the office, all the laser scans were stitched together, to create a 3D point cloud of the entire lengths of the mains surveyed.
From the point cloud we created a 3D model, synced to OS national grid and created cut sections of the main, to show the ovality.
From the results of the surveys and modelling, we informed all involved what we had discovered. The mains had lost their true form and over the years with ground movement had distorted.
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